JVC DLA-NZ800 8K E-Shift 4K HDR
15.999,00 €
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Gen3 0,69-Zoll Native 4K D-ILA Geräte (x3) / 100.000:1 nativer Kontrast / Neuer BLU-Escent Laser 2.700 Lumen / Gen2 „8K/e-shiftX“ / Gen2 Frame Adapt HDR mit tieferen Schwarztönen / Neuer Bildmodus „Vivid“
Lieferzeit: 5-7 Tage
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JVC DLA-NZ800 8K E-Shift 4K HDR
Das D-ILA-Gerät ist das Herzstück der Projektoren und spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Projektion schöner Bilder.Die dritte Generation des 0,69-Zoll nativen 4K D-ILA Geräts verbessert die Ausrichtungskontrolle der Flüssigkristalle und die Ebenheit der Bildpixel, um ein 1,5-faches* natives Kontrastverhältnis im Vergleich zum Gen2-Gerät zu bieten. Darüber hinaus haben Verbesserungen im Herstellungsprozess des Geräts zu einer verbesserten Einheitlichkeit des Bildschirms und einer höheren Bildqualität geführt. *DLA-NZ800 und DLA-RS3200 bieten das 1,25-fache.
High-End Edition Ihre Vorteile
Gerätecheck (Panel, Zoom, Schärfe, Lautstärke)
Professionelle Geräte Kalibrierung für SDR und HDR
Zusätzliche von unseren Profis eingestellte Bildmodi (z.B. für Gaming oder 3D)
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Acoustik Serie
- Gain 0.5 mit perfekten Schwarzwert
- Ideal für optimierte Räume & "Abendsgucker"
- High-End Akustisch Transparentes ALR Tuch
- Premium Qualität Made in Europe
- Exzellente Planlage
- Erhältlich als Motor-, Deckeneinbau-, Rahmen & Multiformatleinwand
Cinema Serie
- Gain 0.6 mit perfekten Schwarzwert
- Ideal für optimierte Räume & "Abendsgucker"
- High-End Ambient Light Rejection Tuch
- Premium Qualität Made in Europe
- Exzellente Planlage
- Erhältlich als Motor-, Deckeneinbau-, Rahmen & Multiformatleinwand
BrightTV Serie
- Gain 1.0 mit guten Schwarzwert
- Ideal für nicht optimierte Räume
- High-End Ambient Light Rejection Tuch
- Premium Qualität Made in Europe
- Exzellente Planlage
- Erhältlich als Motor-, Deckeneinbau-, Rahmen & Multiformatleinwand
Unübertroffener Schwarzwert und hohe Luminanz liefern Bilder voller Realität
Der neue D-ILA-Projektor bietet den branchenweit höchsten nativen Kontrast mit dem Gen3 0,69-Zoll-4K-D-ILA-Gerät und der optischen Wire-Grid-Engine. In Kombination mit der dynamischen Laserlichtsteuerung, die das eingehende Videosignal analysiert, um die Menge des ausgehenden Laserlichts automatisch zu steuern, kann ein dynamischer Kontrast von ∞:1 (unendlich bis 1) in Szenen mit völliger Schwärze erreicht werden, indem die Lichtquelle vollständig ausgeschaltet wird.Auf diese Weise lassen sich realitätsnahe Bilder erzeugen, die der menschlichen Wahrnehmung näher kommen.Ebenso ermöglicht der neue Algorithmus eine präzisere Steuerung des Lasers, um die Wünsche des Nutzers zu erfüllen.
Außergewöhnliche Helligkeit und Langlebigkeit mit BLU-Escent Laser
Ein weiterer wesentlicher Aspekt von Projektoren ist ihre Lichtquelle.Die DLA-NZ-Serie verwendet JVCs originale Laserlichtquelle „BLU-Escent Laser“, um eine außergewöhnliche Spitzenhelligkeit von 3.300 Lumen beim DLA-NZ900 und 2.700 Lumen beim DLA-NZ800 zu erreichen, beide mit einer Lebensdauer von 20.000 Stunden.Im Vergleich zum Laserprojektor der ersten Generation* hat sich die Helligkeit der Projektoren pro effektiver Wattzahl um das 1,9-fache erhöht, was durch die verbesserte Energieeffizienz ebenfalls zur Energieeinsparung beiträgt.
*Im Vergleich zum DLA-Z1
Controlling the Luminance in 101 Steps
BLU-Escent Laser can finely adjust the luminance according to the environment and preference using the Light Source Control by slider adjustment. There are a total of 101 (0 – 100) luminance control steps that can be used to make fine adjustments to match the target luminance in the environment and on the screen.
High Resolution
8K60p Input for Ultra-high Res 8K Content.
4K120p Input for Games and More.
This D-ILA models support a variety of inputs including full 48Gbps 8K60p. By adopting LSIs developed with the latest technology, it is now possible to process four times the amount of information from input to D-ILA device instantly and correctly display 8K signals. As a result, users can enjoy stable high-quality 8K images at all times. Also, using 4K120p input with the Low Latency Mode further improves response to the player’s rapid operations, making it effective for displaying high frame-rate gaming content on large screens.
Gen2 8K/e-shiftX Realizes
Remarkable 8K Resolution Display
JVC’s proprietary 8K/e-shiftX, which is a combination of “e-shift technology” – a high-resolution display technology that doubles the resolution by shifting a pixel by 0.5 pixels in four directions up, down, left, and right – and “0.69-inch native 4K D-ILA devices” has made significant progress as the second generation 8K/e-shiftX. The latest version features JVC’s newest 8K scaling engine that drastically improves the projector’s sharpness and detail across a wide range of content, including 8K (8192 x 4320 pixels) sources.
All-glass Lens System Made to Clearly Depict Everything
What 8K Image Has to Offer
The DLA-NZ800 is equipped with an 17-element, 15-group all-glass lens featuring a full aluminum lens barrel. To project high resolution 8K images to every corner of the screen.
Ultimate Dynamic range
HDR Drastically Improves Expressive Power of Images
When it comes to reproducing the rich video information of HDR content, including the extended brightness range, BT.2020 wide color gamut and 10-bit gradation, rely on the new D-ILA projectors. Both models support all HDR formats including HDR10 for Blu-ray and streaming, HLG for broadcasting, and the HDR10+ with dynamic metadata compatibility. The projectors’ improvements for higher brightness and contrast have helped to achieve a wider dynamic range, allowing users to enjoy an immersive experience with HDR images full of reality.
DML (Display Mastering Luminance) for Better HDR Experience
DML (Max Display Mastering Luminance) metadata, which represents the nit level of the professional monitor used to grade the movie to the director’s standards, is used to set the dynamic range of the title for improved HDR tone mapping. On the DLA-NZ900/NZ800 series, both DML and MaxCLL values are used for the HDR levels.
HDR10+ described
In HDR10, the basic standard for reproducing HDR content, there are only two pieces of information: MaxCLL, which represents the maximum brightness of the content, and MaxFALL, which represents the average maximum brightness. However with HDR10+, the luminance information for each scene is embedded in the content as metadata, which allows for scene-specific tone mapping and faithfully reproduces the HDR image intended by the creator.
Gen2 Frame Adapt HDR Function for
Brighter and More Colorful HDR Images
The Frame Adapt HDR function, which uses a proprietary algorithm to instantaneously analyze the maximum brightness of any HDR10 content per scene or per frame and perform real-time tone mapping to optimal dynamic range for video projection, has evolved into the second generation (Gen2). The algorithm for tone mapping has been fully reexamined to achieve HDR images with higher definition. Furthermore, the proprietary algorithm for tone curve selection has also been improved to reproduce HDR images that are brighter, more colorful and have a wider dynamic range.
Deeper Blacks for Richer Gradation
The new Deep Black function has been added to Frame Adapt HDR, with a new algorithm to further subdue tones in dark areas to achieve more realistic darkness. This function maximizes the dynamic range of the new-generation 4K D-ILA devices and delivers images with more contrast than ever before. Scenes with light and dark shades such as nightscapes can be projected with greater realism.
Theater Optimizer for optimal reproduction of HDR content
suitable to each environment
Brightness of the projector screen varies depending on the screen size, gain, frequency of use, and Setting. JVC projectors intelligently adjust tone mapping so that the content can be viewed at the appropriate brightness by automatically analyzing the environment in which the projector is used, simply by entering the screen size and gain information under Theater Optimizer in the Frame Adapt HDR picture mode. This ensures reference picture quality at the appropriate brightness, suitable to each custom home theater environment.
JVC projectors featuring Frame Adapt HDR and Theater Optimizer can express HDR/HDR10+ content at optimum brightness and darkness in each scene as the creator intended.
FILMMAKER MODE™ for Faithfully Recreating
the Creator’s Original Intentions
JVC Advanced Technology
Vivid Reproduction of HDR Sources Containing Wide Color Gamut
Even when HDR content using a wide color gamut equivalent to BT.709 and DCI-P3 is projected on these projectors, the original cinema filter combined with the BLU-Escent Laser work together to reproduce rich colors, such as the gradations of the sky and ocean, the contrast of red roses, or a row of fresh green trees.
Picture Mode “Vivid”
To reproduce SDR content with a narrow dynamic range in more saturated colors, conventional Natural mode has been improved to the new “Vivid” mode. This mode is excellent for projecting SDR animated works that are popular in streaming content and gaming CGs with greater vividness.
Clear Motion Drive for the smoothest video
Clear Motion Drive*, which reduces afterimages, has improved its algorithm for compensation accuracy in the periphery of intersecting objects. Together with Motion Enhance technology, these projectors enable much smoother reproduction of images.
*The function is disabled when inputting 4K120p signals.
Proof of high-grade, high-quality projectors
licensed with ISF Certifications
All models are licensed with the ISF C3 (Certified Calibration Controls) mode, enabling trained dealers to professionally calibrate them to desired screen surfaces, lighting environments and video sources, and then securely store these precise settings into the projector.
6-axis Color Management System
A 6-axis matrix of red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow enables the precise adjustment of hue, saturation, and intensity. Users can make adjustments suitable for the content as the projector allows precise management of colors.
Auto Calibration function
Using an optical sensor and proprietary software*2, optimum calibration can be applied in just a few easy steps to match the changes in optical characteristics caused by the installation situation of the projector. Auto-Calibration optimizes all essential elements found in the image, including color balance, gamma characteristics, color space, and color tracking. In the past, multiple calibrations were required, but now it’s possible to complete the calibration with a single calibration.
*2: An optical sensor and proprietary software, which is downloadable from JVC website, are required to perform auto calibration function. Refer to the JVC website for details.
Functions to make appropriate settings according to the video signal and Menu structure
Today’s diversified video signals require settings that match the input signals for viewing at an appropriate picture quality. The latest projectors from JVC provide various functions and menus for easy, optimized use of the settings. To name a few, there is a menu for Content Type, a function to automatically switch Color Profile, and a function to set Auto Pic. Mode Select. Content Type menu: Use this menu to select the best „picture quality mode“ for the input video without worrying about complicated manual gamma and gamut settings. Automatic Color Profile Switching function: Use this function to automatically switch to the optimal color profile according to the color gamut information of the video signal, eliminating the need for manual switching. Auto Pic. Mode Select: Use this function to set the „Picture Mode“ corresponding to each input signal (SDR, 3D, HDR10, and HLG).
Convenient Features
Installation Mode
These projectors are equipped with Installation Mode that allows users to centrally manage settings related to installation in order to enjoy projected video optimized for each environment. As shown in the graphical interface, eight settings for Lens Control, Pixel Adjustment, Mask, Anamorphic on or off, Screen Setting, Installation Style, Keystone, and Aspect can be adjusted. Additionally, ten different mode settings can be stored in memory and named as desired. Installation modes stored in memory for various environments can be called up immediately.
Screen Adjustment Mode
Screen Adjustment Mode is one of the nine Installation Modes described above. When the user selects a setting that best suits the screen being used from the Screen Adjustment Mode settings, the projector adjusts the image with natural color balance to match the screen. The mode is compatible with the latest models offered by the world’s major screen manufacturers.
Digital Keystone Function*
These projectors feature Digital Keystone Function. Digital Keystone adjusts keystone distortion that occurs when the projector is placed in a tilted position.
* : Digital Keystone Function cannot be used simultaneously. Keystone adjustment corrects only in the vertical direction.
Anamorphic mode for wide cinematic films
A 2.35:1 aspect ratio for wide cinematic films can be enjoyed by combining the projector with a third-party anamorphic lens to create dynamic picture reproduction just as can be seen in a movie theater.
USB Back-up
Tne USB Back-up function can save and write settings on the main unit menu to a third-party USB flash drive all at once. It is important to save adjustments made by an installer or specialist, or to undo unintended adjustments made by children or family members.
Intake/exhaust layout and Footprint
designed for ease of installation.
Rear air intake and front exhaust layout provide flexibility for a variety of installations. Screw holes at the feet are compatible with a conventional ceiling-mount bracket, the anti-skid grooves prevent the projector from slipping while lifting it.
JVC Unique Input and Output
JVC Unique Input and Output In addition to 3D compatible HDMI inputs, the projector features an array of other connections, such as an RJ-45 socket for projector control, firmware and configuration updates, and a trigger socket for an anamorphic lens or motorised screen. The projectors comply with the latest HDMI standard and HDCP with the two HDMI terminals.
Remote control
JVCKENWOOD Corporation
3-12, Moriyacho, Kanagawa-ku,
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 221-0022
Verantwortliche Person in der EU
JVCKENWOOD Deutschland GmbH
Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 1-11
61118 Bad Vilbel
Web: http://www.jvc.de
Kontakt: https://de.jvc.com/support/kontaktformular/
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